Azure AD Joined device ownership change

If you’ve done an Azure Ad Join for a device and found that you (the admin) is now the owner, it can create certain problems for you. If you’re going through an AutoPilot deployment the end user will end up being the owner. So, how do you modify the device owner to be the recipient […]

Add an alias to zsh in MacOS

I found this more difficult to locate than it needed to be. If you want to add an alias to zsh in MacOS, say something like ‘ll’, it’s pretty simple. If you’re comfortable with everyone on that system having the change, ‘sudo nano /etc/zshrc’ Add a line at the end – alias ll=’ls -al’ Save […]

Play your life

“It doesn’t matter what we play, if we play it with intent, people will respond.” I’m paraphrasing Adam Neely. Sure does apply to a lot of things in life.

Monitoring Temp and Fan Speed in a Quanta LB4M switch

I’m starting to replace the fans in my LB4M to try to quiet it down. During this process I wanted to keep an eye on my temp and the associated fan speeds to make sure I wasn’t running into a problem with cooling. Here’s my Telegraf code with the applicable OIDs. [[inputs.snmp]] agents = [ […]

MFA in Office 365, not talkin’ bout Azure

Microsoft is frustratingly vague about support for basic MFA in all Office 365 offerings. They have these lists of feature support across different packages, which go into great detail and yet don’t include basic MFA. Maybe this post will get up in the rankings so others don’t have to spin their wheels looking for an […]

OpenVAS on the Raspberry Pi 4 works really well!

I’ve been trying to set up OpenVAS on a tiny PC like the RPi lately. Based on this post: I wasn’t expecting much success. And that’s what I found. It wasn’t really usable. I saw the TinkerBoard and the extra performance and RPi compatibility and thought that might be a good thing to try. […]

Grafana and Chromecasting – Part 2

Following up on my previous post about running Grafana out to a Chromecast dongle on a TV, I’ve now tested it going directly to a Vizio 4k TV with the built in Chromecast functionality. Looks like it works fine and is actually pretty responsive. Unfortunately, it appears to be displaying in 1080P. I haven’t tested […]

OpenVAS for simple vulnerability scanning

I’ve been looking for a simple security vulnerability scanning tool for a while now. OpenVAS looked promising in the past, but I always had trouble getting it to work. I decided to work through it this weekend and figure out what I was doing wrong. In a nutshell, here it is: GSM Community Edition and […]

Free Veeam linux backups

I didn’t feel like fighting against Nutanix CE any more so I copied my VMs out using qemu and rebuilt the entire cluster with ESXi 6.7 free. Seems to be ok so far with a few minor issues. Now that I’m back in operation I have a concern about having a single copy of my […]