Raspberry Pi Zero W headless setup

There seems to be conflicting info out there for how to accomplish this.  Compounded with the Zero’s different micro ports, it’s easier if you can set it up as a headless device.  Unfortunately, I found that if you try to do this locally, with a monitor and keyboard, the order of operations causes the ssh […]

My Grafana dashboard

With all of this tutorial publishing I’ve been doing for Grafana, I have neglected to post what mine currently looks like.  So, here it is.  This is the 1080P version.  I also built an iPad version that has a lot of the same info but compressed for the smaller screen.

Unifi APs in Grafana using SNMP

This is kind of goofy with how Ubiquiti doesn’t do well at supporting SNMP.  For one thing, they don’t support it through the controller, only directly to each AP.  But, you have to enable it at the controller to have it flip the switch on the APs so they’ll respond.  They really want you to […]

Aerohive issues

Just a quick reminder note about something I’ve run into with Aerohive a couple of times.  If you get too anxious and start changing the config and rebooting quickly, the APs will get confused and seem to go into a waiting period.  Things will behave oddly, and you’ll get error messages like “There’s an admin […]

Ubiquiti UAP-AC-LR in the house!

I’ve been having some trouble with my two Apple Airport Extreme’s in the house.  They are both a couple of generations old and I got them both used off of Ebay some years ago.  They’ve served me well and provided good throughput and signal coverage.  For some reason I can’t explain, in the last month […]

CAPWAP is here?

I got an interesting comment on a year old post of mine regarding CAPWAP. Matt from Aerohive had some interesting things to say about CAPWAP and the state of things. I wrote a somewhat lengthy response so I thought I’d put up a new post on it. As you can see further up in the […]

CAPWAP, where is it?

I’m experienced with Cisco LWAPP enough to know it works pretty nicely.  There are some quirks to be sure but for almost every wireless implementation it’s the preferred solution.  It’s unfortunate then that both Cisco’s LWAPP and Aruba’s protocol (whatever that’s called) are closed protocols.  CAPWAP’s in the works and does seem to be making […]