Nearly a year since I’ve posted

Having my annual itch to start blogging again and I noticed that it’s almost a year since the last time I posted. Good grief. What’s been going on in tech land this year? I continued to move everything for the home systems and Chia to wall mounts. That’s now complete, with the exception of the […]

Updating the cert on a Synapse Matrix standalone server

As usual, logging this so I don’t lose track of it later: And the original content in case it goes missing: This is a common CertBot error when using the Standalone plugin (–standalone flag) during the certificate renewal/creation process. In this case, CertBot will attempt to use port 80 to create a temporary web server. You have […]

Migrating a Chia farmer/wallet between servers

Yeah, I’m trying Chia farming with the copious disk space I have. Probably be a waste of effort, but I am learning some interesting things in the process. I started with a simple Windows install and then decided to move to Ubuntu in a VM. The VM farmer can’t plot, but it can do farming […]

Setting up k3s on a single RPi4

Testing out the ability to run some containers on RPi4 and I have a single borrowed device. Most of the tutorials out there describe a multi-node configuration and that’s led to some challenges for me to understand this. First, I started with this tutorial: This gets you there most of the way, but I […]

The RPi Zero W is…ok…

First of all, I have not returned to using the Chromecast for my Grafana visualization. I didn’t elaborate on this, but my previous post was driven by a change to Grafana visualization that effectively broke the ChromeCast Kiosk server I was using. The recommended solution was to use a proxy for displaying the iFrame, or […]

Azure AD Joined device ownership change

If you’ve done an Azure Ad Join for a device and found that you (the admin) is now the owner, it can create certain problems for you. If you’re going through an AutoPilot deployment the end user will end up being the owner. So, how do you modify the device owner to be the recipient […]

Add an alias to zsh in MacOS

I found this more difficult to locate than it needed to be. If you want to add an alias to zsh in MacOS, say something like ‘ll’, it’s pretty simple. If you’re comfortable with everyone on that system having the change, ‘sudo nano /etc/zshrc’ Add a line at the end – alias ll=’ls -al’ Save […]

Nutanix CE challenges

The Nutanix install has been moving along.  I would not say it’s ready for more than lab use, but it’s getting there.  I’m setting up a 3 node cluster, and one of the nodes, which has an Intel motherboard, kept throwing a generic error about not being able to find the sysinfo.  Thanks to the […]