My Grafana dashboard

With all of this tutorial publishing I’ve been doing for Grafana, I have neglected to post what mine currently looks like.  So, here it is.  This is the 1080P version.  I also built an iPad version that has a lot of the same info but compressed for the smaller screen.

Unifi APs in Grafana using SNMP

This is kind of goofy with how Ubiquiti doesn’t do well at supporting SNMP.  For one thing, they don’t support it through the controller, only directly to each AP.  But, you have to enable it at the controller to have it flip the switch on the APs so they’ll respond.  They really want you to […]

Unraid shell script for getting stats into Grafana

Continuing the documentation effort.  This is a shell script you run from Unraid in a cron job to feed stats to InfluxDB.  You can then present them in Grafana.  Note about that, I was having a lot of trouble getting the Grafana graphs to present correctly for anything coming from this script.  I had to […]

Telegraf mixed SNMP config

Following my previous post about Grafana, once everything is installed you’ll want to capture some data.  Otherwise, what’s the point.  Telegraf is a data gathering tool made by Influxdata.  It’s stupid simple to get working with InfluxDB.  After following the previous script, go to /etc/telegraf/ and edit telegraf.conf.  Near the top is the Output Plugins […]

Grafana on Ubuntu 16.04…easy, I think

Just went through setting up Grafana on Ubuntu 16.04 and thought I would grab the steps I went through.  I’m using a combination of Telegraf and some custom remote scripts to get data into InfluxDB. curl -sL | sudo apt-key add – source /etc/lsb-release echo “deb${DISTRIB_ID,,} ${DISTRIB_CODENAME} stable” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/influxdb.list sudo […]