Ubiquiti UAP-AC-LR in the house!

I’ve been having some trouble with my two Apple Airport Extreme’s in the house.  They are both a couple of generations old and I got them both used off of Ebay some years ago.  They’ve served me well and provided good throughput and signal coverage.  For some reason I can’t explain, in the last month they’ve become slow and buggy.  Maybe it was an update.  Regardless, I’ve had my eye on the new AC APs from Ubiquiti and this was a good excuse to pull the trigger.

So, I decided to get a couple of the LR models, partly because I want more coverage out in the yard, partly because they are less expensive and partly because they are readily available.  I set up the Unifi controller in a VM in Nutanix first, and installation could not have been easier.  So far, I’m very happy with the coverage and performance.  I’ve been getting good coverage in the house, and I’m able to still use them at almost 200′ away from the house.


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