Cisco ezvpn and “The Cisco Way”

I’ve been working on some complex VPN configurations by using GNS3 and PEMU which is built in.  It’s nice to be able to throw together a bunch of devices and get them talking without much fuss.  However, I discovered today that PEMU is really designed to emulate a PIX 525 by default, although supposedly it […]

TrixBox CE and chan_sccp_b

Once again, I’ve moved the in house phone system.  I was running into problems with the virtual version I had running for the last couple of months.  It worked pretty well most of the time but the clock was continually out of sync and that caused other problems on occasion.  We had one instance of […]

Going Independent

It’s official, I’m going independent.  I know, I probably could have picked better market timing.  I think we’ll be getting a bump in the next month or so though and this year might turn out ok.  Time will tell. In the meantime, I need to find some contract work!  I have a number of opportunities […]

Cisco Servers? Seriously?

I’ve been hearing this rumor for a while now that Cisco is getting into the blade server business.  I’m having a hard time with this being a smart move but I can see the reasoning.  Om posted about the latest rumors today and I think he hits on some important points. It’s not like making […]

Microsoft can’t help itself

I’ve been one of the few people that really hasn’t felt too bad about Vista.  It’s been a fine operating system for me for the last 2 years almost.  It’s nothing special but I don’t have a visceral reaction to it like others.  However, there remain some little things that Microsoft does that just demonstrates […]

Local wealth

Reading Instapundit this morning and I came across this comment: The pattern of wealth flowing toward the capital is one that the United States avoided for nearly 200 years. Not anymore. This was in reference to 2007 demographic info posted over on Reason that suggests that the wealth growth in this area is all because […]

Logo? Image?

Well, I took out the candle and briefly put in a blurry picture of me in the upper left. It’s a little too much me, me thinks. And blurry too. Nah. So, it’s blank until I can figure something else out. Yeah, I know it’s a big blank space.

Fiddling with themes

I’ve not been real happy with the old theme or the temporary new one. So, expect to see some more changes although I think I like this one that Angie found. Couple of minor things I still need to fix including the “logo” and the gravatar on the right. Might mess with the positioning a […]

Verizon DSL and OS X

We recently got Verizon DSL for my grandparents and stuck an older iBook in their house so they’d be able to see pics of the kids and such. They had been using a Ceiva frame for years and loved it but the plan was set to expire and the frame had always been kind of […]

Celerra NX4 and Etherchannel

Discovered today that the EMC NX4 will do Cisco standard Etherchannel for bonding Ethernet links. It’ll also do LACP but Etherchannel seemed a bit easier. Nothing special to configure on the Cisco switch aside from the usual channel-group.