Finally, a Cisco router emulator

Long the bane of wanna be CCIE’s everywhere, routers are expensive!  And there’s no way to pass the lab without routers for practice.  Enter the router emulator.  The Cisco 7200 Simulator doesn’t just create a simulated environment like the Boson and other programs do.  This is actually emulating the processor and interfaces in a 7200.  […]

Intel Mac’s and serial connectivity

One of the key things I needed to get working for my transition to the MacBook is serial connectivity. I’m a router jockey after all. I’ve finally gotten it working and I thought it would be a good idea to share how. First of all, this works with a number of different USB to serial […]

This ain’t no golf cart

Now this is what I’m talking about.  Tesla had a press conference yesterday to announce their new electric Roadster.  Similar looks to an Elise, it’s based off of it, and 0-60 in 4.0!  I think one of the most stunning stats is 250 mile range!  Only one downside, it’s about $100k.  Ugh.  Still, if they […]

Writers block

Well, writers block sounds rather grandiose.  But that’s basically what it is.  I think of things to write at the most inopportune times.  Like when I’m driving, or in the shower.  Then, when I sit down to write them…nothing. I stumbled across this blog entry.  How to concentrate on writing.  Usually these lists seem pretty […]