Dirty, dirty engine

Spent some time Saturday cleaning the engine. It’s still not done! I’ve never seen anything so dirty in my life. It is making progress though. I think I’m going to have to take the lower intake to get it bead blasted somewhere. It’s corroded white and yellow all over. I think there were mice or […]

Outta work

I’ve been busier in the last couple of weeks than I was then last couple of months. Unfortunately nearly none of it was car related. Looking for a job is hard work! We did go to Carlisle last Saturday. It was raining on the way up and then cold and overcast the rest of the […]

Sitting at home in my skivvies all day

I’ve been laid off! Seems like a good time to start this Blog proper. That’s right folks, I’m outta work. Been that way since last monday. We had about an hour notice. The last week has been an interesting one. All sorts of things run through your head. The first couple of days I thought […]


I added a Guest book feature to the site.  I’m very curious to know who checks the site out.  Please add an entry for me.  It’s very easy and only takes a moment to do it.  And if you actually check out the journal please say so.  Thanks!


April was a slow month…Had to catch up on some stuff around the house now that Jacob is starting to walk.  Plus, the decision to not push it for Spring Fling has taken some of the urgency off.  The CACC held it’s first Road Rallye last weekend.  It went great and we had a blast […]